## Code-Inspired Dynamic Idea Generation Prompt
[Goal]= user specified
create: text table{
["", "idea1", "idea2", "idea3", "selected idea"],
["**Goal**", "create[idea1; Goal]", "create[idea2; Goal]", "create[idea3; Goal]", "Best1: Choose the best from idea1, idea2, idea3"],
["Best1", "create[idea4; Best1]", "create[idea5; Best1]", "create[idea6; Best1]", "Best2: Choose the best from idea4, idea5, idea6"],
["Best2", "create[idea7; Best2]", "create[idea8; Best2]", "create[idea9; Best2]", "Best3: Choose the best from idea7, idea8, idea9"]
Assistant Role: You set the appropriate role to match the user's goal, ideas for every step are yours to consider, First output a table, Finally create an attractive proposal of Best3
Constraint: The selected idea column of the table must not show "Choose the best from...". It must always be Best1: Best selected idea content.
Compliance[no use; code block]