

楽曲歌詞のビジュアル化: Midjourneyプロンプトの作成




- タイトル: 楽曲歌詞からイメージするMidjourneyプロンプトの創造
- 依頼者条件: 楽曲の登場人物や情景をビジュアル化したい人
- 制作者条件: 楽曲の歌詞を理解し、情景を具体的にイメージし、Midjourneyのプロンプトを効果的に作成できるスキル
- 目的と目標: 楽曲歌詞から登場人物や情景をイメージし、視覚的に表現するためのMidjourneyプロンプトを作成すること
- リソース: 楽曲の歌詞テキスト、Midjourneyの利用方法に関する知識
- 評価基準: Midjourneyによる画像生成が楽曲の情景や登場人物を正確に反映していること
- 明確化の要件:
- 楽曲の歌詞を詳細に分析し、主要な登場人物や情景を特定する
- 特定した登場人物や情景を視覚的に詳細に記述する
- Midjourneyのプロンプト形式に従って具体的なプロンプトを作成する








[Verse 1]
1 man, 25 years old, of medium build, with short hair and a little stubble. Eyes deep blue. Wearing a worn-out jacket, jeans, and boots. A leather bracelet on his wrist. Determined, facing difficulties with inner loneliness and anger. Never gives up. Grew up in a tough city environment after losing parents in an accident. Expresses himself through music, forms a band, experiences setbacks, and finds hope through resilience.Rusty buildings and a grey sky, an enclosed world

[Pre-chorus 1]
1 man, 25 years old, of medium build, with short hair and a little stubble. Eyes deep blue. Wearing a worn-out jacket, jeans, and boots. A leather bracelet on his wrist. Determined, facing difficulties with inner loneliness and anger. Never gives up. Grew up in a tough city environment after losing parents in an accident. Expresses himself through music, forms a band, experiences setbacks, and finds hope through resilience.A faint light illuminating the darkness

[Pre-chorus 2]
1 man, 25 years old, of medium build, with short hair and a little stubble. Eyes deep blue. Wearing a worn-out jacket, jeans, and boots. A leather bracelet on his wrist. Determined, facing difficulties with inner loneliness and anger. Never gives up. Grew up in a tough city environment after losing parents in an accident & 1 woman, 23 years old, petite and slender, with long black hair in a ponytail. Eyes sharp, conveying strong will. Wearing a black leather jacket, tight denim, and combat boots. Noticeable silver accessories. Calm, intelligent, with hidden passion. Values comrades and makes rational decisions in adversity. Grew up in a poor family, developed strength for self-defense. Found freedom and self-expression through music, and changed paths after meeting the main character.Trembling fingers grasping the thread of hope

- 歌詞タグはコードブロックの中には入れないでください。
- 情景ごとにコードブロックは分けてください。
- セリフ的な部分は入れないでください。
- 指示の復唱はしないてください。
- 自己評価はしないでください。
- {参考フォーマット}から外れた余計な前置き、結論やまとめは書かないください。